

Spring 2020 has been unlike any other in the history of not just our property management business but also our 断箭 community and the history of the world. As you know, the Coronavirus has presented unprecedented issues but also unprecedented opportunities. 对许多人来说,它为人们提供了在家工作的机会. 对许多人来说,它让人们重拾一些爱好. 对一些人来说,更多的是做饭和更多的家庭时间在餐桌上. 为他人, finding the time to do their hobbies often put on the 回来 burner because of the busyness of life, 人们能够重新投入到这些爱好中. I have witnessed more people in my neighborhood walking and jogging on a daily basis than I ever have! 伴随着机遇而来的还有一些挑战. Many people became teachers of their children learning new platforms for each school, 在变焦平台上变得出色. 高中毕业班的学生在毕业舞会取消后度过了独特的一年. 大学让学生回家,关闭宿舍.  他们在网上看讲座.  只有必要的员工不在社区. 这些人从医疗保健提供者到杂货店店员都有.   Zoom、Webex、Skype和FaceTime都成为了新的标准. People realized that many tasks could be done remotely and safely in the comfort of their own home.  在危机或大流行期间,我们是否找到了更好的工作方式? 在某些方面,也许是这样.

也有一些令人心痛的事情. 如果病人必须去医院,他们必须独自走这段路. There were funerals that allowed only ten people or less or funerals were canceled or 帖子poned altogether. Gathering at the churches as a congregation became illegal as well as any group of ten people or more. The grocery stores closed early so they could restock and sanitize and clean the store like they have never done before. The stores also created “senior” hours which was the initial hour of opening so that this critical age group that was identified early to be the highest risk age group could get the essentials at the safest time for them. And who can talk about the pandemic without mentioning the early hoarding of toilet paper and  hand sanitizers that quickly became comic relief for many 脸谱网 memes.

As life in Oklahoma and a few other states are starting to reopen our new normal has  changed. 例如,沙龙是最早开放的,但有很大的变化. 去断箭镇或塔尔萨的沙龙, 不能有顾客在等候室“闲逛”. They have to be waiting in their car until they are communicated with to come inside. They also must be wearing a “face mask” the entire time of their appointment. This presents an opportunity to find that mask that wraps around the ears and not the head so that the professional can maximize their performance. The stylists are also required by the board to also wear masks and extensive cleaning and disinfecting between each client is required.

As this pandemic has lasted far longer than any of us wanted and had almost crippled the economy, 俄克拉荷马州是最早开始恢复正常的州之一. 这被确定为每日住院的适当时间, 新发病例, and deaths have been tracked on a daily basis that is widely accessible and on the forefront of everyone’s mind. 随着曲线变平, the jury is still out to see how these new “rules of engagement” causes the curve to spike or stay flat. Our hope and prayers at PMI绿色国家 is that so many lessons have been learned during this tough experience. We hope that people continue the great hand washing techniques throughout the year but especially during the annual flu season that occurs year after year. We also hope that being sick is viewed differently and people feel good about staying home when they are running a fever. 我们有机会学习很多在家工作的新方法, we hope this continues as the new normal behavior so that all diseases can be minimized from harming others. We hope this helps employees and employers operate from a position of strength increasing their knowledge not only on the spread of disease but also how to minimize the risk of spreading the disease.

As far as PMI corporate and PMI绿色国家 and how we handled the pandemic was a learning situation. 而办公室在正常营业时间内保持开放, 门是锁着的,这样人们接触到的空气就有限了. 如果有客户需要进来, 消毒的门, 门把手,  墨水笔和任何共享的东西都立即消毒. The office was cleaned morning and evening to make sure that risk was minimized not only to protect ourselves but also to protect those we came in contact with.

PMI corporate did a great job at proactive communication on how we can all share best practices and brainstorm through the issues that presented. Corporate helped walk us through the small business loans and how to collectively make sure we had empathy with our tenants while still protecting our owners assets. The state mandated some laws around late fees and evictions that we happily worked with tenants and owners on.

我们如何走出这场危机将影响子孙后代. 经验教训, practices of empathy and seeing how we can take care of each other during this critical time will mark history and be talked about for centuries. 今天, 5月1日, 2020 I sit in my local 断箭 subway and I dine in because it’s the first time in over a month I’m allowed to do something other than curbside or take out. 我很怀念那些经历! This great nation is resilient and we have leaned on each other to learn and grow through this pandemic. Our PMI family to yours prays that you stay healthy and bounce 回来 financially during these turbulent times.
